Before I thank you for being here, I want you to thank yourself.

Investing in your health and wellness has never been as accessible, yet, as difficult as it is now. Our media is cluttered with contrasting truths on what it really means to be healthy. Though, I have found time and time again that the answers our bodies yearn for cannot be found on Google; but within ourselves.




soul science energy

My Story

My journey to healing and stepping into my life’s purpose began like many others, at the base of rock bottom. Actually, in my specific case, it was a cold, tile floor in the bathroom of my college freshman year dorm, where I had passed out after two weeks ignoring my body’s desperate call for help. I was rushed to the ICU where doctors informed my parents that my colon was severely infected and would most likely need to be removed… leaving me with a solid 50% chance at life. 

I found out that I had a severe case of Clostridium Difficile which is a type of pathogenic bacteria that creates inflammation in the gut. Thankfully after 3 long weeks in the hospital I was able to keep my colon, but little did I know that this would only just the beginning of a long road ahead to reclaim my most vibrant, magnetic and aligned version of myself.

After getting discharged from the hospital, my life then became indebted to seeking answers to more layers of healing. I bounced around from doctors’ appointments and did every scan, scope, test and examination after the onset of new symptoms. I experienced constant bloating to the point that I looked pregnant daily, severe food reactions, diarrhea one day and constipation the next, extreme fatigue after a good night’s sleep, brain fog, anxiety and ADHD… the list goes on. Doctors eventually concluded that I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and was left with little to no information or hope on how to heal and feel like myself again. 

After much frustration, confusion and a disconnect from my body and soul, I turned to restricted diets and unhealthy ways of living to regain a sense of control. An eating disorder, struggles with  body dysmorphia,  over-drinking, over-exercising, crashing hard and feeling out of alignment with my true self, was my reality for far too long. One day I finally woke up and decided living and feeling this way would not be my story. I dug deep within myself to begin to spearhead my healing journey, on my own terms.

I took a drastic turn away from Western medicine and dove head first in alternative, integrative, functional and what many people may refer to as “woo woo” modalities. After altering my diet to align with my unique body’s needs, making sustainable lifestyle changes, working with my energetic body, reprograming my mind and regulating my nervous system; I finally began to see a significant shift in my life and how I felt. The interconnection of healing my body, mind and soul in support of my gut and hormone health opened my eyes to the connectedness within my body and the importance of listening to its innate wisdom. This is where my healing journey truly began. It was not by searching the world for answers I did not have, it was allowing the world to guide me to a space within myself where I could notice them and listen to them. They were there all along.

This journey, although it was painful, maddening and isolating, is not one I would ever take back. It has shown me how resilient I am, how wide my heart is and how beautiful my soul is. I know now that it was divinely planned for me to go through a lot of darkness in order to help others find the light in their own. 

I now feel at home within my body and am an active participant in its vitality. Because of this, I have the blessing and ability to share this knowledge with women who are experiencing health issues rooted in internal imbalances, like I once faced. This inspiration led me to various certifications, training and education in health coaching, human nutrition, yoga, meditation, nervous system regulation, energy healing, quantum physics and holotropic breathwork.

After a lot of personal trial and error I have developed an alchemy for healing that integrates science, energy and soul. A framework and support system that I wish I had years ago when I first began my journey.

Through these experiences I have learned that although food is a powerful source of medicine, I believe deeply in the expansion of the definition of medicine and what it truly feels like to be well. It is my purpose to show you that what you may feel is impossible on your journey to achieve wellbeing, is more than possible. In fact, it is your birthright, my love.

My Mission

Guiding women to find this same internal freedom and magnetism is now the gravity that holds my life in a circuit. There is nothing that makes my life feel more purposeful than helping others realize they can heal and find themselves again while still living a life of pleasure and indulgence. It just comes down to the little changes, the little moments, and the little discoveries. I am honored to be a witness to countless life transformations, rebirths and expansions. 

Let’s work together!